
The Baptism of Infants and young children is dependant upon the faith of their parents. As the child cannot speak for itself or make any important decisions, the parents speak for and decide for the child. In doing so they undertake to help their child grow in the divine life that God gives them through Baptism by making certain promises to God. In order that they might be ready to undertake this responsibility a preparation program is provided in the parish which must be attended before any arrangements for Baptism can be made. There is also an application form to be completed. For more information please get in touch. You can find details on how to do so on our contact page.

For adults considering Baptism the situation is of course different. There are two important considerations. First, when adults become Catholic they do not just receive Baptism but also the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confirmation at the same ceremony, usual at Easter. The second point to note is that there is an extended period of preparation during which time the person is given information about the Catholic Faith and its practices as well as time to consider this big step before making a final decision. Think of this as an introduction of what it means to be a Catholic. This period lasts up to a year during which time no final commitment is expected until the decision to be Baptised which comes at the end. Again, for more information please contact us.