
There are four sacraments which come under the umbrella term of the Sacraments of Service and Healing. Matrimony (Marriage) is seen as one of these, a sacrament of service, just like Holy Orders. Being a good wife or husband, father or mother is understood by the church to be just as much of a vocation (a calling from God) as being, for example, a priest, deacon or religious sister. All need help (grace) from God to fulfil their sacred calling.

For a Catholic to contract a valid marriage they must make their marriage vows in the presence of the church’s minister (priest or deacon) who witnesses their vows and the promises they make to one another. The church understands that a valid marriage is for life and cannot be dissolved. It is to be faithful - excluding all others - as the saying goes and fruitful with the idea of a future family in mind.

There is much to say about this most important sacrament and usually many questions. It is not possible to cover everything here. So if you wish to make and enquiry about getting married or have an questions and would like to speak with someone, please contact us.