Christmas Greeting

With sincere wishes for a blessed and peaceful Christmastide from Deacon John and Fr. David

Please note that the collection currently being taken up is the Christmas Offering Collection for you Parish Priest. Envelopes are available if you require one.

SVP Questionnaire - can you please make sure you have handed in your completed form by the weekend. Thanks.

Mass Attendance - Thankfully Places of Worship are allowed to remain open during the current lockdown. Should this situation change I will inform you as soon as I know here on this News Page. As you cannot all attend on a Sunday, you are allowed to fulfil your Sunday obligation on any day of the week. This will be the case for as long as the rules concerning social distancing remain in force.

As far as the consultation concerning the repairs to the church or other possible plans, I will inform you about those next weekend. Thank you to those of you who have shared your ideas thus far.

If you are interested in cleaning and decorating the hall in preparation for the Christmas celebrations, then you can help out on Wednesday morning after Mass. Thanks in anticipation of your positive response.

Thanks to Craig for the great job he did over the weekend varnishing the altar. And thanks to St. Francis School for loaning the altar to us.