Repairs to the Church - Update

Good news amid all the gloom and doom we seem to be getting just about every day. Following various meetings and discussions this week we seem to be making progress. On Wednesday 30th September I will be meeting with a contractor to plan the work to be done to the church roof (outside) and ceiling (inside). The work should begin about two weeks after that, so I’m told. Not much idea yet as to how long this will take. I am told it won’t be a quick job as this will make up the first phase of the original plan for restoring the church and restoration work takes longer than simple repairs.

On the same day (Wednesday 30th September) in the evening I will be meeting with the parish finance board followed by the parish council to discuss the follow up or second phase of the project. So more news about that after those meetings.

Mass attendance is good and increasing slowly so it might be a good idea to book a day when you will be guaranteed a seat. It hasn’t happened yet but the way things are going someone will be turned away some day. Don’t let it be you. Remember you cannot all attend Mass on Sunday, as much as you would like to. We only have a capacity of just over twenty for each Mass. All parishes are in the same situation having severe restrictions on numbers. So attending Mass any day of the week is good enough to fulfil your obligations. No one, not even God, is going to expect you to do the impossible. So come on Thursday or Monday or Saturday or whatever day. Its all good at the moment.