Regular Mass to Restart and Work on the Church to Commence

From Wednesday 25th March Masses will begin again at the Parish Centre. We will use the same times and regime as before, so hopefully you can remember what day you signed up for which will save us going through that process again. Mass will be celebrated each day at 9.30 a.m. unless otherwise stated here. Check the Mass times page for further information and remember that we still have to comply with the limits we have for attendance and social distancing rules will still apply.

Also, more good news! Following various meetings it has been decided to go ahead with the necessary repairs to the church which means we will be able to use it again. I don’t have any firm dates or times but I am hopeful it won’t be too long. More information when I have it.

The estimated cost of the repairs in approximately £140,000.00. Although we have just about enough to cover this cost it will just about leave us wiped out as far as parish funds are concerned. That, together with the drastic reduction in income at the moment it not a good situation to be in. Can I first thank those of you who have kept up you collection contributions in the difficult circumstances of the past year. As I’m sure you realise, even when there has been no Mass, the various bills keep coming in and have to be paid. Can I ask the rest of you to consider making up you collections. You can put your collection envelopes through the letterbox at the presbytery. If you don’t have collection envelopes, a plain envelope will suffice. You can write your name etc. on the front if you want you contributions recorded, especially for Gift Aid purposes. We will need all the funds we can get in the coming weeks and months.

Now for the bad news. During the stormy weather last week the large crucifix up on the bank above the car park blew down. I suppose we should be grateful that no further damage was done like other sections of the roof and ceiling crashing down. The wooden cross itself is rotten and won’t be able to be used again. However the figure being made of some kind of plastic survived the fall and is now being stored in the church for the time being.

I look forward to seeing you again next week. Don’t forget to check the Mass times before turning up.