Update: Church Repairs and Collections

I have received a date (21st April) for what is known as a site meeting. It is when the architect, the property manager of the Archdiocese, the contractor and myself get together to plan out how the work is to be organised and carried out. This is good news as it confirms the work on the church is to go ahead, that a contractor has been engaged to do the work and at the meeting a start date should be agreed. More news when things get moving.

There are two collections being taken up at the moment. One is the regular weekly collection and the other is the Easter Offerings for you Parish Priest. There are two baskets at the entrance to the hall. The one for the Easter Offerings is clearly labelled so you can see which is which.

Speaking of collections; those of you who used the numbered envelopes for your collection will be pleased to know that new boxes of these envelopes are now available at the entrance to the hall. You should be able to pick up a box with you name on it. This is particularly important for those of you who have signed a Gift Aid declaration. If you can’t find your envelopes please let us know. If you do not already use these envelopes but think you might like to, please speak to Fr. David so that we can arrange for you to have some. Also if you do not currently Gift Aid your contributions and would like to know more about that scheme, again speak to Fr. David. Once again thank you for your ongoing support especially during these difficult times.